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The Gospel of The Trinity has not created a way to God, of simplicity, but a way full of obstacles, which do not appear as obstacles to the believer:  but because of the error that the Trinity has perpetuated for many generations of mankind, it is seen as 'this is all there is'.

Therefore the purpose of the Trinity is accomplished.

In the world stands the cross.  A glorified cross where the believer is told,
"You are Born Again".  This comfort creates, 'a camping at the cross', with no vision of going on. 
Why not?     Because of the mountains that block the view of a continuing path onwards to the knowing of God the Father.

There is a wall, a boundary created through whatever teaching is received that gives confidence, through presumption, to the believer, that where they are at the cross, knowing Jesus as God, is sufficient.
Then again there are those who believe in the work of Jesus as Lamb of God, who were not satisfied with what was initially told them.  Their hearts and minds become their feet as they seek to cross the mountains and go over the wall.
This seeking will be seen by Jesus, as many have found the gate, which takes one through Death Itself and Raised Up into Life and Light.

Still the Pathway is not clear.  It is not found to be easy as many stones and weights of what has been taught block and weigh down.  By continuing to have faith in the main slogan of the Trinity, "Jesus is God", even those believers in Light and Life; their heart and mind shall not find the Fullness God intended.

The Truth that Jesus is The Way to Life, and to know God Himself and to enjoy all that He wants to be for those who love Him.

The following information depicts what is God's simple Way to Himself.  From man's paths, to Know The One Way To God Himself. 
Come to the cross, repenting towards God and having faith in Jesus.
Know Jesus, love him and believe Christ as The Baptiser with Holy Spirit.
By believing this, one comes to The Gate, goes through, is Cut Off from Death and enters Life where he many know God the Father.
The believer is free to go to His Mountain, where God sits on His Throne, and to fellowship with both The Father and The Son Jesus Christ.



Quotation from “The Fall of Rome” by Malachi Martin P3,  Information from the Battye Library Perth


There are claims by those called the church that they are on the move and that Christians world wide are progressing in the power of unity.  (World Wide Unity?) 
What is that Unity?
The Unity that binds all the churches together, beginning from the Church of Rome,
is The Trinity.

The Trinity that over the decades since its conception has founded ITS OWN GOSPEL;
The Gospel of The Trinity.
The 'Gospel of The Trinity' which is THE DISTORTION OF THE GOSPEL OF GOD AND CHRIST,  is the common Gospel of what many call "The Churches".
This Gospel has created a diversity of belief and practices, based on the TRINITY.
THE TRINITY has caused these diversities.

While the church stands with belief in The Gospel of The Trinity, it shall remain in BONDAGE TO ITS OWN PARTICULAR VIEWS, whose source is not from God, BUT FROM THE TRINITY GOSPEL.
Each of these churches have built their own beliefs, erected their own structures, and stand these on the Rock seen to be God Himself.  Little do they realize that what is meant to be the Glory of the Church, that is being the manifold wisdom of God, is rather the glory of the 'Gospel of the Trinity'.

Because the structures, created by Trinity, do not connect with The Rock, i.e. God Himself, their covers are very fragile, as are the structures, which in the event of any deluge shall not be able to stand.
THE STRUCTURES that churches in their diversities, with their own particular cover, have built on the Rock, are in the place of what should COME OUT OF the Rock Itself.
This fails to
glorify God and Christ and manifest The Truth regarding them.  It has blocked Revelation as to Their works, Their Kingdoms  and spirits and The Created ONE BODY,  that is to move in ONENESS, ONE MIND AND PURPOSE AND AIM, by God for God and His purposes.
God planned for the church to be with no
diversities, no different gospels, no different ways to gain salvation, no guessing or hoping so, but a trusting and a knowing who is God and who is His Son and working in Oneness with them.

The Church Is To Work In Oneness Together With The One True God, The Father and The Lord Jesus Christ. 
One Body of believers
called Sons of God, co-heirs with Christ all who have The Spirit of God The Father over all, in all and through all, who are called the Church i.e. Those Baptised with Holy Spirit, through the work of The Son of God, Jesus Christ.
John 17:3-5     John 17:22     Phil. 1:27 - 2:2     Eph. 4:4-6     Rom. 8:17
Rom. 8:10-11     Gal. 1:1     1 Cor. 8:6     Eph. 5:20

Churches even though they may in their diversities disagree doctrinally and theologically, have been founded, strengthened, and bound together by the  'Revelation of the Gospel of The Trinity'.

A Revelation, yet it is called A Mystery, with understanding attempted by many created Parables which are the attempt of explanation of their own statement of  'What is The Trinity?'
Within The Denominations of these churches,
there are scattered amongst them what would be called The Body of Christ those in Christ, called The Church, whose entrance into The Body of Christ is through Baptism with Holy Spirit.  Sadly, the impregnation of the belief of the Trinity is within those in that Body, which today is mainly represented by what is known as The Pentecostal Churches.


The word TRINITY is not to be found in the Bible, and its Gospel with its erroneous, misleading assumptions, interpretations and applications, cannot be confirmed as true by God in His Word, but the evidence of its believers is seen in the differences and diversities of comprehension which are not of one mind with God which was Jesus' oneness with His Father.  The Trinity and its teaching has created dysfunctional and varying doctrines, not the flowing and confirmation of Truth after Truth, creating a full picture of God's wonderful plan for all mankind's salvation.  This plan of God which was from the very beginning, incorporated the Holy Men of the Old Testament, who had the knowledge of both Jesus (the one we know as Jesus) and The One True GOD, THE FATHER :  TWO PERSONS,  NOT ONE.
Ps. 110:1    Gen. 14:18-20    Exodus 3:2-4     Judges 13:9-23    Job 16:19-21    John 8:57-58  & 8:16-17    John 17:20-26    Phil. 1:27 - 2:2     Heb. Chap. 11

THE DESCRIPTION OF GOD BEING A TRINITY is not found in Scripture.  It is not referred to by Jesus, nor his apostles, but most important is the fact that God Himself, The Father, gives no reference to this fact in His Word.

The symbolic description of God, The Father can be seen in the Candlestick of The Tabernacle.
It displays ONE SOURCE, SEVEN OUTLETS, which speak if God being One Person manifesting His Works, seven ways.  The seven outlets speak of The Seven Spirits of God.  (see ‘Seven Spirits’ & ‘The One Spirit’).
Rev. 1:4    Rev. 4:5    John 15:26    John 14:15-17    Eph. 1:17    Rom. 1:3-4   
Rom. 8:1-2    1 Peter 4:14    Heb. 10:29b.
   The names of The Seven Spirits are Truth, Wisdom and Revelation, Holiness, Life, Adoption, Glory, Grace.
N.B.  Christ holds The Seven Spirits of God, as Baptiser.  As the Son of Man, God in His Fullness was in him.     Rev. 3:1    Rev. 5:6    Col. 1:19

The Gospel of The Trinity would come against The One True God, The Father and His Work, (which He does by His Spirit manifesting in seven ways),  because it is essential to know God's Work by His Spirit in order to inherit Eternal Life. 
John 3:3-5    1 Cor. 6:11  & 19-20


Due to the many differences of belief, time is spent in argument, generally not about the Trinity but the distortions that have been created by the enemy for that very purpose.  Time is being wasted while the purposes of God for the Church are not being carried out.
Heb. 6:1-8    Eph. 2:10    Eph. 3:10-12

This is not due to the ineffectiveness of God's Work, but it is due to believers failing to know Truth.  Truth which Jesus said would set one free  through knowing God His Father, who is The Spirit of Truth, who would teach Truth which does not cause division but oneness with Him.
John 16:13-15    John 16:23-28     1 Cor. 2:10-12


The reason that diversities have so easily occurred, right from the early days of the church is because of the lack of knowledge in the full work of Jesus Christ mainly as Baptiser with Holy Spirit.  For it is through his work that we are to come to know The Father, who as The Spirit of Truth, is to lead us into all Truth, and that by knowing Him and asking of Him.

God has only His Truth.  The leaders of the early church should have been asking for Truth.  History has shown that they did not.  The leaders did not 'ask of God'.  They received instead a Revelation not of God,  - that Jesus is God.  Belief in this revelation has blocked God's Truth.

There Came A Man:  Theophilus, Bishop of Antioch, in AD 180-181.  He was the one who first used the trinity in its Greek form.  Concerning this man, history shows that little is known of him, his family or heritage. 
it is understood that the trinity influence came from the Greek culture where the triune concept in philosophy, was very much at home in their thinking.
Some would argue that it came from the culture of Egypt and it could appear so as Egypt was influenced by Greece through Alexander The Great.  However the actual acceptance of the trinity, and the believing in it as being necessary for salvation, came much later, through Tertullian in 220AD.
It is known that, then, some seven thousand Thessalonians died, rather than accept what was the church's dictatorial ways and means of conversion of not only individuals but of nations to the Christianity of their understanding.  In other words, believe and live, disbelieve and die physically.
In time, The Church was taken into The Dark Ages due to the lack of God's Truth.
Only a little light was forthcoming at the time of the Reformation, because of the stranglehold of The Trinity, resulting in spiritual blindness caused by believing the Trinity's focal point, that Jesus is God.  The difference between their names and positions, was not seen.  This blindness created a mind set of transferring from what is God's work alone, to Christ the Son of God.  Whereas it must be clearly seen that when The Word of God states God did 'this', it is GOD THE FATHER WHO DID IT and not Christ.  On the other hand, when The Word of God states what The Holy Spirit is to do, it is speaking of God The Father Himself who does His Work by His Spirit.  The Father and The Spirit of God are the One Person.  When Christ is said to be doing a work, it is Jesus Christ, and NOT God doing it.
Rom. 8:11    Gal. 1:1    John 1:29-34

The church does not need a revolution, but a revelation of the Truth regarding The One True God, and the knowledge concerning all His Works.
Let it be clearly understood that to be in condemnation of The Trinity is not to be in condemnation of God Himself :  but to come against its Gospel, which has distorted the Truth of who is God and therefore placed a millstone around believer's necks.
The church needs to understand the Truth of His Son's Kingdom (who is not God at all) but the Son of God : to know all regarding his works, authorities and Kingdom all of which God Himself has appointed Jesus to be and do.
Matt. 13:37-41     Col. 1:13-14     John 16:13-15

The purpose of The Gospel of The Trinity is that the Will of God  BE NOT fulfilled
to those who trust in The Gospel of The Trinity.  God's work by His Spirit which is meant to be done in us, cannot be done if we trust and believe all that the Gospel of the Trinity declares.  This is simply because God cannot, and will not operate in the mess and mixture of truth and error which is conglomeration, created by The Gospel of The Trinity, which creates confusion when error appears with Truth in regard to the Pinnacles of a Christian's Faith.

The error is believing Jesus raised himself from the dead.
The Truth is that God the Father exerted His Power to raise Jesus out of The Realm of Death.
Eph. 1:17-20     Gal. 1:1     Rom. 1:3-4    Rom. 10:9     Rom. 8:10-11
Belief, that Jesus as Deity raised himself, is an extremely dangerous belief because it relates to one being saved (or not) by belief (or unbelief ) in The One who raised Jesus out of death : God the Father.

Jesus was exalted to sitting on the right hand of God.
The Truth is that Jesus did not return to Himself.  He did not exalt and promote himself.  He would not have been appointed to his other responsibilities, as Christ The Son of God, IF HE WAS GOD.  No one appoints work for God to do.

He is the Son who was with The Father before he came as Jesus, the Son of Man.
He was promoted and exalted beyond that which he had with The Father before he came.
Isaiah 42:1-4    Malachi 3:1-4    Prov. 8:22-36    John 17:3-5    Acts 2:31-36  
Col. 1:15-23    Eph. 1:17-23     Rev. 2:2, 8, 12, 18    Rev. 3:1, 7, 14   
Eph. 4:7-12    Daniel 7:13-14    1 Cor. 15:24

it stands as the place where Jesus, as The Son of Man, died for the sins of all mankind.   Isaiah 53    Gal. 3:22
It was by the will of man who hated His Words.  It was the will of God.  It would not have occurred if it had not been God's will and the obedience of Jesus to His Father's Will.
The Gospel of The Trinity has created error by welding Jesus and the cross together.  With the comfort of the work done on the cross seen to be as the "comfort of God".  It is because The Gospel of The Trinity has Glorified Jesus to being God that the cross has taken on the Glory of what Jesus is said to be i.e. God, rather than what work was accomplished upon it.
That is, forgiveness of PAST sins.     Romans 3:25
Saved from the judgment of The Lake of Fire, and placed in The Kingdom of Christ.
Matt. 13:37-41   Col. 1:13-14
The believer receives from God the Father, The Spirit of Christ.   
Rom. 8:10     Gal. 4:6

The Gospel of The Trinity, through the intended welding of Jesus and the cross together has perpetuated the error that the cross is THE END and sole requirement for Salvation to receive Eternal Life.

The truth is that it is BECAUSE of the work done at the cross that the believer is QUALIFIED to go on to know Christ's God and Father.   John 14:6    Gal. 3:14
The believer is to love Christ and obey his commandments.    John 14:13-15
To love one another, to forgive one another, to be Baptized with Holy Spirit.
John 13:34    John 20:23    Acts 1:4-5

The cross qualifies the believer to go to The Father and this is through Christ's work as Baptizer with Holy Spirit, which work does require Christ to be in his exalted position as Christ and Lord, to be accomplished.
Acts 2:31-36    John 14:15-23

Even so it is the spiritual work that immediately precedes Baptism with Holy Spirit, that must be accomplished IN ORDER for one to say 'I am Born Again, I am a New Creation In Christ'.
Rom. 6:3-14    Rom. 8:11    Col. 1:28
The Gospel of The Trinity, by its error of glorifying the cross, making it  'A Full Stop', has endeavoured to block the work of Christ, as Baptiser.
Heb. 6:1    John 16:13-15

At the cross
Jesus was God's Lamb sacrificed according to the same Old Testament stipulations and regulations, by God The Father.  God who needed to shed His blood to honour His own Word, for those called the Holy Ones of God, who had shed blood in faith for forgiveness of their unintentional sin.  It was God in his wisdom that caused men to 'shed blood' so He who had made man do this - was to shed His blood and this by His Lamb Jesus for His purpose for all mankind.

God being Spirit, could not shed blood as we know it.  He did so through His own Son.  As men of The Old Testament shed their blood by their lamb, so did God.  The evidence of His work done, fulfilling His promises was the resurrection of The Holy Ones at the death of Jesus, who were justified by the shed blood of the cross.  They went with him to heaven and became the foundation of the Spiritual Temple of God.

The cross did not credit the Holy Ones with righteousness.  They already were credited with righteousness by God.  Genesis 15:6.  The blood that was shed on he cross justified them in the light of their faithfulness to God, and because of their faithfulness God fulfilled His promises.
Genesis 9:5-6   Genesis 22:8   Acts 20:28   Gal. 3:22    John 1:29    Matt. 27:51-53
Heb. 9:15-16    Eph. 4:8-10    Heb. 9:24    Eph. 2:18-22    Heb. 11:8-16

The Gospel of The Trinity has glorified Jesus as  'The Lamb', but not his work as 'Christ The Baptiser' which hinders God's Faithfulness to his own plan for man's salvation under The New Covenant.

It has hindered and bound believers by depriving the believer from a potent, instantaneous, Spiritual Work which must be done to be raised out of death and to enter into Life, so as to be spiritually circumcised from the death realm. 
This does not occur at the cross as one work.  But when one asks for Baptism with Holy Spirit, the work takes place, immediately before and results in Baptism with Holy Spirit.  It is essential to be Baptised in Holy Spirit so as to be Baptised by God into The Body of Christ i.e. to be In Christ where Baptised Believers are spiritually.
Rom. 6:3-14    Col. 2:9-13    Rom. 2:29    1 Cor. 12:13-18     Eph. 1:13

The Trinity Gospel has dictated to every area of God's Truth and has distorted it by adding to, or by taking away from that which should not be deleted.  The Trinity, by conglomeration and distortion, has not done away with the cross, the resurrection, or the ascension but has grossly affected the knowledge of what work God has said applies to us in each station of our salvation.  Namely, The Cross and The Baptism, which hinders believers walking in Holiness and overcoming through and by God our Father's Power.             2 Peter 1:3-4        Phil. 2:12

There are orders, principalities and powers, Satanic forces and of course Satan himself, all of whom hate mankind, because we are God's Creation.  They want to destroy us all, and especially those who begin to believe in the Gospel of God and Christ.  In accordance with the deception, believers are soon taken over by the teachings of the Gospel of The Trinity.  Then as they go down the path of EXPECTATION, where there maybe fulfilment, of a small measure, as Christ in them reveals himself in scattered circumstances, which to the believer appear to be great and gives a comforting assurance that all is well.  They believe they are rich but Jesus says no one is until they allow him to take them to His God and Father.  Then richness and assurance are not only in the reality of God in varied circumstances of one's life, but the knowing of Him in all areas of life as we submit fully to God.

Then it is possible to know the Power of His Truth in His Word, opening it extending the depths of every word in it is the intention of our God of faithfulness, but not the Trinity.  Unless believers think and test what they are being taught and repent, while one still has time, they will know God's Judgment which is upon those who neglect His Great Salvation.
Full Salvation is to be realized, and understood according to His terms, and not by the meagre understanding of men who believed they had received a revelation, which ironically, is still a mystery, which continues to justify man from the guilt of not understanding.

The Trinity as "God's Revelation", is revered as a Mystery, and stands in contradiction to God Himself, who is a God of Revelation.  Whereas The Creator of The Trinity abhors Truth and is afraid of its Power.
Rev. 3:17-20    Eph. 6:10-18    1 Cor. 2:10-12    John 16:13-15

The Gospel of The Trinity dissects God Himself by the separating of The Father from His own Spirit.  This has caused distraction and neglect of one or the other while believing, incorrectly THAT THE ONE PERSON IS TWO.
Rom. 8:11    Gal. 1:1    Matt. 10:20**   compare  Mark 13:11**

N.B.  There can be no Trinity while the so called 'Third Member' is God's own Spirit.  The Father and His Spirit are the one and same person.  God The Father and God The Holy Spirit is one and the same person.

The Spirit of God The Father is THE ONE SPIRIT who is The only One who can place,  The Baptised With Holy Spirit Believer "In Christ",  i.e. in The Body of Christ.  This is God's work alone by His Spirit.  No one else can do this work.  That is why Paul is Emphatic in declaring this Truth.
Eph. 3:17-21    Col. 2:9-10    1 Cor. 12:13** & 18    Matt. 15:13**

While The Gospel of The Trinity, separates The Father from His own Spirit, the absolute dryness caused by this error continues to wither away Truth.
This dryness shall continue, because, God in His fullness cannot water this illusion, causing believers to fail and those that seek, not to find.
Heb. 6:1-8    Col. 2:9-10    Gal. 5:22

The Father and The Holy Spirit are one Person, and that Person is God.   1 Cor. 8:6
The Father and Christ are two Persons, not one, as The Gospel of The Trinity declares.  By believing this, Christ, NOT God is worshipped.     John 8:17-18

To be God, is a position that is held by only One Person and that is The Father who is all powerful over all other gods.
Isaiah is powerful in God's continual assertion that there is only One who is God.
Isaiah 40:10-26    Isaiah 42:5-9    Isaiah 43:10-12    Isaiah 46:5-10
The Father is GOD.  He is God alone and is to be trusted in as God alone in order to be blessed by His Fullness and to know His work in and through us, by His Names/Works.  This develops in us The Fruit of His Spirit.

By disputing, The Trinity Has Created Jesus As A Stumbling Stone by
the lack of Truth being received from God Himself, as The Spirit of Truth.   John 16:13-15.  The Truth, not only as to what is Christ's position and his ongoing work in God's eyes now but the truth of the work done upon the cross, when Jesus, as God's Lamb, secured forgiveness of PAST sins for believers by repentance towards God and faith in Jesus.   Acts 20:21  
Rom. 3:25.
  And when as Christ, in his work of Baptiser with Holy Spirit, the believer receives forgiveness of ALL sins, by God.   Col. 2:13

The stone of stumbling makes it difficult for the believer to understand how the truth actually affects him so as to fully appreciate and respond to what does relate to himself as a believer.
The fact that Christ has a Kingdom, which is not the Body of Christ, has created a conflict in the believer's understanding as to God's stations of Salvation and its progress from the Cross, especially while the believer is taught that all is completed at the cross.
1 Peter 2:8    Matt. 13:37-41    Col. 1:13-14    Rev. 1:18    Rev. 2:1, 8, 12, 18
Rev. 3:1, 7, 14     Col. 1:15-23     Phil. 2:12

To bring forth the truth that Christ has a kingdom is generally met with strong resistance.  The reason for this is because believers believe they are Born Again at The Cross, therefore they are in the Kingdom of God, and cannot comprehend that there is The Kingdom of Christ.

To gain understanding that there is The Kingdom of Christ, apart from The Kingdom of God, the believer must ask, who, how and when are, believers placed in The Kingdom of Christ?
The denial of The Kingdom of Christ is to deny what is his work that God has appointed him to be and to do, apart from his work as Baptiser with Holy Spirit.
Those who are placed in The Kingdom of Christ, are those who believed in his work as Lamb of God.  They have been placed there by God The Father.  He has placed the believer in the care of Christ and as they obey his commands, he is to take them to The Father and that through Baptism with Holy Spirit.
The full picture, the meaning, and reason for all this, can be clearly seen in Ezekiel's description of The Spiritual Temple of God, which is in existence now.
It is into this Spiritual Temple of God, into its sanctuary, that the believer is built into, when Baptised by Christ with Holy Spirit.  Here Christ is our High Priest, the believer is a priest.
The believer, through Baptism with Holy Spirit, has been removed from Christ's Kingdom which is still in the Realm of Death.  Christ has delivered the believer to His God and Father, into The Kingdom of God. 

The Spiritual Kingdom of Christ, which is in operation today, is not to be confused with The Kingdom he shall rule over on earth for 1,000 years.

It must be seen that by neglect, and ignorance of the work of Christ as Baptiser, and by adding to his position and making him to be God, the Temple of God is not being built up.  Woe to those who prevent this, and destroy the building of it, blocking to the detriment of the believer, his Full Salvation.

The Spiritual Kingdom of Christ will continue to the very end.  Those who are in it will be judged firstly by Christ’s Angels who will weed out the evil ones in that Kingdom.  The remnant will be handed on to God the Father for judgement, not Christ, he will judge those In Christ, i.e. The Church.
Col. 1:13-14    Matt. 13:37-41    Rom. 8:10    John 14:13-17    Acts 1:4-5
Matt. 3:11-12    Matt. 13:47-50   Ezekiel Chaps. 40 - 47    Eph. 3:10-12
Heb. 7:24-28    1 Peter 2:9-12    Eph. 2:18-22   Eph. 6:2-6   1 Cor. 3:16-17
Rev. 20:11-12  & 20:5    2 Cor. 5:10    1 Cor. 8:6    James 2:19

It has been the centering of Christ as God by the perpetuated strong misunderstanding of the Oneness of God and Christ, that teaches that The oneness of that of The Father and The Son is that they are The one and The same Person.

This has created error by Christ being given God's Kingdom as his, The Word of God as being his Word (which he preached, as God gave him to preach it)  John 12:47-50, that Christ's spirit was poured out at Pentecost - rather than Gods.   Acts 2:4   
Acts 2:16-17    Joel 2:28,   these are Great Stones....
  As a result Jesus is centered in the mind of the believer and is believed in as God in order to confirm to man's mind that he must be God in order to do what work he has done, in his pre-existence and as The Son of Man.  As The Son of Man, it was God the Father in him who did all of the works, one in mind and purpose, this was their oneness.  We are expected to do greater things also because God and Christ dwell in us, together in a oneness of purpose and aim.
John 14:10-12    Luke 5:17    John 14:23    John 17:20-26    Phil. 2:1-2

It is because of centering Jesus as God, that when The Word of God is used in relation to the life of the believer, error has caused The Word of God to be inappropriately and incorrectly used in its application.
e.g.  Galatians 3:22.
   It is clear to understand that this verse applies to "The lost" of The World.  
Whereas Hebrews 3:1  applies to believers.  The question is - at what stage of believing?
The Word of God says  "We are to fix our Thoughts on Jesus"
This applies only to those who are Christ's brethren, those who are Sons of God, 
co-heirs with Christ.  This has only been made possible through Baptism with Holy Spirit which is the work of both, God the Father and the Son.  
Col. 2:9-13    Rom. 6:13-14
The unbaptised would say: we fix our thoughts on Jesus and we are content.  This false security is not the fruit of God.  They are to look to Christ to Baptise them with Holy Spirit to become his brethren and to fix their thoughts upon him as He is their example.  With God's power we are able to be like him.
Eph. 4:5-6    John 5:16-17    John 8:17    John 14:23    Rom. 8:17    John 14:13-17
The centralizing of Christ causes the unbaptised believer to believe all the promises and judgments in the Epistles belong to them; whereas it is Mark 16:16 that applies to them and shall do so until they are Baptised with Holy Spirit, by Christ. 
Matt. 3:11-12


It is here and now, in our lifetime, that we must spiritually die.  This is to be believed as a factual experience just as one believes they have forgiveness of sins through faith in the death of Jesus on the cross.  It is not emphasizing experiences, for this work of Spiritual death is not just what we work at doing to accomplish this spiritual death, but it is the Work of God and Christ, according to the Word of God.  It is a work that God does not leave for us to hope that it is done, because He Himself testifies to The Work of Christ as Baptiser with Holy Spirit declaring "Jesus is Lord", over the life of the resurrected believer out of death.

It is The Work, that precedes immediately before one is Baptised with Holy Spirit, by Christ, that is essential that it be done in order to be Baptised with Holy Spirit.
To know such a Great Salvation requires one to manifest the Life of God and His Kingdom, as Jesus did.  We are to walk in Holiness and not to assume upon our 'position' as those who have been taken from Death to Life, BELIEVING THAT WE ARE free to do just as we want too.  But we willingly and joyfully, submit our will to God.   Romans 12:1-2
Matt. 7:21-23    John 14:13-17    1 Cor. 12:3    John 15:26    Heb. 10:26-31
This work is described in Galatians 2:20   Rom. 6:3-14   Col. 2:9-13    Eph. 1:13

It is a potent INSTANTANEOUS PROCESS, which results in the believer being raised spiritually and factually out of death, by God The Father.  This work, of being cut off from Death and placed in Life, is called Spiritual Circumcision, the work of God and Christ.  It is this work which is essential to say that one is Born Again, as it is at this point of being Spiritually Circumcised that the believer, as a result of Spiritual Circumcision, is Baptised with Holy Spirit and Fire by Christ.  Matt. 3:11-12.  The believer cannot be Baptised in The Death Realm; that is why this work must be done to accomplish Spiritual Circumcision.  
Rom. 8:10-11.
It must be understood that one must be In Life to be Baptised with Holy Spirit.
The Gospel of the Trinity, by confining Baptism, to water baptism, has denied the believer the necessary Spiritual Circumcision which is essential to say that one is Born Again.
See Genesis 17:13-14, to gain what spiritual circumcision, does infer, even as physical circumcision did: a covenant to be fulfilled which is only for those in Life under the New Covenant.  Heb. 8:10-12

The Gospel of The Trinity in seeking to discourage and devalue the need for Baptism with Holy Spirit, is ensuring that believers will not know Spiritual Circumcision, from Death into Life, and be able to walk in the power of God's Spirit, coming against the enemies of God.
Rom. 8:1-2   2 Peter 1:3-4   Eph. 3:10-12   Eph. 6:10-18   John 14:10-12

N.B.  It is to stay in Death and not to know Spiritual Circumcision from it, that condemns the believer as Jesus said.   Mark 16:16.
Because of lack of knowledge, the people will perish eternally.  This is the purpose of The Creator of The Trinity; The Spirit of Belial.   2 Cor. 6:15
Repent, while there is time.
Romans 8:1-2    Romans 2:29     Jeremiah 9:25

The differing beliefs of The Diversities which have been created by The Gospel of The Trinity, have created a wide spread sin of presumption.  This is especially true in regard to the work of the cross, presuming  that because of "believing" in its work, whichever way it is presented, that it is a safe place to stay.
The sin of presumption has given a confidence of entering The Eternal City of God, whereas it is a fact according to Scripture, that unless recognition is given to the full work of Christ, there is no hope of entering let alone seeing The Kingdom of God, unless one is Born Again by The Spirit of God.  There shall be eternal consequences for the unbaptised.
John 3:5-6    Mark 16:16 

It is within the diversities, that the Cross has suffered DISTORTION OF TRUTH, BUT NOT DESTRUCTION.  For that is how subtly the enemy works; full of deceit, yet as an angel of light.  For many so called establishments of Christianity, the Cross AND ITS WORK AND WHAT IS REQUIRED TO RECEIVE THE BLESSING OF THE CROSS to those who believe, has been glorified on one hand but on the other minimized, to the point of no effect.

Whichever way, it has rendered what God requires of any believer, to be made to be passed over, as it were.  While the cross and the Baptism with Holy Spirit have been minimized in churches where in fact Baptism is practiced,  where there is no believing by the one being baptised by sprinkling, there is no repentance of sin, and what is claimed to be accomplished, is that the candidate is made a member of the Body of Christ.
The awful and most damning thing is that this is God's Work only.  NOT by any work of any man can this be a spiritual reality : but by His Spirit alone.
Just as it is Christ's work to Baptise with Holy Spirit, it is God the Father's work to take that believer who is Baptised with Holy Spirit, and baptise that one into The Body of Christ.
1 Cor. 12:13-18    Matt. 15:13
Then there are those called the Evangelicals, who have magnified and give great glory and power to the cross and the shed blood.  Whether by ignorance or unbelief they are adding and overstating beyond what God has said is the work of the cross and the shed blood.
N.B.  Reference should be made to the sacrifices of The Old Testament to understand The Stipulations and Regulations regarding the work of each particular sacrifice, under The Old Covenant which set the boundaries and entrance into the presence of God.  This same principle applies to The New Covenant work of the cross and The Baptism with Holy Spirit.  Each has their own work, qualifying the believer to move progressively into knowing God The Father and fellowshipping with Him in the Spirit of Obedience to His Will.
Phil. 2:12-13    1 John 1:3     1 John 1:12-14    1 John 5:6-7   
(1 Cor. 12:3    John 15:26)
So by minimizing the cross, or by magnifying its work, the enemy deflects the most important work of Christ as Baptiser with Holy Spirit as The Way to God The Father.
They will "fall short of the mark", if Christ is denied this work to the believer.


has become a stone of offence, by man adding to what position God has appointed him to be and to do.  Christ's work as the revealer of The God of Israel - "The Everlasting Father, who planned Grace that all men should know Him through the work of His Son.  Christ, as God's Messenger of great counsel",  has been glorified beyond what GOD has said in these scriptures Isaiah 9:6 Tanakh and Septuagint Scriptures, 
Jewish Tanakh - “For a child has been born to us, a son has been given us. And authority has settled on his shoulders. He has been named “The Mighty God is planning grace; The Eternal Father, a peaceable ruler” – In token of abundant authority and of peace without limit upon David’s throne and kingdom, that it may be firmly established in justice and in equity now and evermore. The zeal of the Lord of Hosts shall bring this to pass.” 
Malachi 3:1-4      Acts  2:31-36

By positioning him as God, his full work, given by God to do, has been blocked to the detriment of man's full salvation.  In The Word of God, both Jesus and The Father have given strong warning that the stone that is trusted in by belief in error, shall roll back on the one who believes that error. 
That is any error that has created unbelief in what God has planned and purposed as to the way of Full Salvation.
Luke 20:17-18    Isaiah 28:16-20     **1 Peter 2:6-8

A WARNING PROPHECY IN ISAIAH:         Isaiah 22:20-28
This prophecy gives the symbolic picture of Christ being trusted in as the Father, which The Trinity advocates; putting him into the position that is God's alone - that of THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.

NOTE> What shall God do as a result of this?
NOTE> What shall be The Judgment for those who believe this?
      Read these verses.

The Gospel of The Trinity is The Error that has veiled the truth of who is The Church and how one comes to be 'The Church'  i.e. Those In Christ.
Rom. 6:3   Col. 2:9-10    1 Cor. 12:18    2 Cor. 5:17    Eph. 4:5-6

The Gospel of The Trinity, has caused groups to be called cults by the church, simply because they deny the Trinity : not the person of God the Father, nor the Holy Spirit nor the person of Jesus,    but that he is God.
It can be noted that while some of the so called cults, preach and teach the work of the cross, the sacrificial shedding of the blood for man's sins which is vital to the way of salvation, they are nevertheless branded cultic because of their non acceptance of The Trinity Gospel.
However the Evangelical and Fundamentalist churches, accept churches who trust in infant Baptism which is at variance with the Gospel of Salvation, yet they are in oneness because of faith and belief in The Trinity.
Gal. 3:1-9    Gal. 3:22    Gal. 3:14    Matt. 3:11-12

Belief in The Trinity has become the binding together, not the Sacrificial Work of Jesus.
The truth of the work of the Cross and Baptism with Holy Spirit, is Scriptural, whereas the Trinity is NOT SCRIPTURAL and YET IT HAS BECOME the bonding for all Churches e.g. Rome, Mainline and Pentecostal Fellowships.

Fundamentalist and Evangelical, stand with the Liturgical : Mainline with Pentecostals - in this error.  Confusion as to who is Jesus, his work and position as the Son of God; has created a 'market' effect, where it is not to choose whom you will serve, but choose to think what we think is right, which is part of the diversities which bring no life and no light.
THE WORD OF GOD - The Trinity has become  'The Gospel of The Trinity' because every statement of The Word of God is tested against it.  It has created an hypnotic reaction to the words of scripture.
e.g. Saviour, Redeemer.  Immediately shouts Jesus, LORD, GOD.  e.g. The word GOD shouts "Jesus".  The 'first and the last' shouts Jesus is God, because of the fact God the Father also makes this statement about Himself.  This is simply both of them declaring their uniqueness in regard to their particular unique work; in the eyes of God. 
Rev. 1:17   Isaiah 41:4   John 5:17    John 8:16-18

The Gospel of The Trinity has created full stops in scripture with fixed verses which in most cases, if not all, binds the believer from the realization that they are to know God, personally, as they are to know Jesus.
This is demonstrated by The Gospel of The Trinity as it discounts the truth of
1 Corinthians 8:6, that declares 'There is only One God', and that is The Father.
James 2:19, John 17:3.
  All such as these are discounted because The Gospel of The Trinity, states that there are three who are God.
They stand with JEROBOAM,  1 Kings 12:25-33  - 13:1-5, and will know God's Justice because of the belief in the Gospel of The Trinity which has deflected God's Glory to Christ.

The Gospel of The Trinity is taught and sung and declared by believers, who mean well but through error and the lack of teaching of Truth they are actually coming against what Jesus himself taught and what the Word of God commands.
of God and of Christ, praising Jesus as God, praising his greatness for the work that only God His Father can do.  This comes against God's Word in that they centre Christ, whereas it is God the Father who must be The Centre, giving all praise to Him.  We are able to do this only because of the work of Jesus, for which we honour him.              Ephesians 5:20

The Pentecostal Christian music Ministries prime examples.  The greatly disturbing problem of their ministries is that those who are not Baptised with Holy Spirit, relish in their music, Jesus as the centre, Jesus as their God.
The Trinity makes the Baptised and the unbaptised with Holy Spirit believers appear to be as one.
One in worship and praise of Jesus, giving the impression of oneness.
This gives to the unbaptised believers the impression and attitude, that the Baptism with Holy Spirit doesn't really matter: that it's only a subsequent work which is not important for one's eternal life.  The Baptised, in their ignorance of the position of the unbaptised, invite them to fellowship, having no knowledge to be able to warn them of their precarious position.  They sell their worship to those who do not know God through Baptism.  This is the Spirit of Prostitution.
Music has inadvertently replaced God's Word, and Christ himself.
Ignorance and lack of Scriptural Comprehension makes people to believe, music leads believers into 'the Presence of God'.  By this Christ's work is misunderstood and He is replaced.  No one stands in Christ's place: for His work was ordained by God to be THE WAY to God the Father. 

For the Baptised with Holy Spirit believer, they have been brought to God the Father and so to replace Christ with personages or music as that which opens up and leads one into knowing God, or what is commonly said "Taken into God's Presence", is erroneous.
The Gospel of The Trinity is strongly evident here in this miscomprehension of truth.
Music has become the touchstone for all churches to give them the impression of being alive and with it, with Jesus as the Centre of Worship.  The beat is their movement, not The Spirit of God.
Jesus, as the Son of Man, and as Christ and Lord, brings us to His God and Father, so by no means can mediatory work of music bring us into the presence of God.
John 14:23   1 John 1:3    Acts 2:31-36

Music and the words have replaced God's Word.  Song writers of the church have become the theologians of the church.  It is through the music that there is the feeling of 'being alive', and with it again The Gospel of The Trinity has replaced not only Christ but God.

The whole Plan for Full Salvation for all mankind was from God The Father.
It is He who loved the world!!   But it is Jesus who gains the trust, glory and worship.
Our Help, Compassion, Provision, Healing and Deliverance... all come from God, The Father.  It is HIS WORK not His Son's   John 5:17
Gal. 3:22    Gal. 3:14   2 Cor. 1:1-13   2 Peter 1:3-4   1 Tim. 4:10
On the other hand
Jesus Christ today has his continuing work, and we as Sons of God, are to be working with him, all to the Glory and Praise of his God and Father.
Rev. 2:1, 8, 12, 18**    Rev. 3:1, 7, 14   Col. 1:18    Rom. 8:17    Eph. 6:10-18
Eph. 2:10    Heb. 2:10-12   Heb. 3:1-19   Eph. 5:1-2   Eph. 2:10    John 14:10-12
Eph. 6:10-18    Eph. 3:10-12

For the unbaptised believer to be sure of Eternal Life, it is to know God The Father, as one knows The Son.  It is to know the work of God's Spirit in one, as it is His work alone that transforms us and remains in us and develops in us The Fruit of His Spirit, as we do His Will.
The Gospel of The Trinity seeks to veil the distinction of The Fullness of God and the Fullness of Christ.  The fullness of God is received at Baptism with Holy Spirit because we are in The Spirit of God Himself, that is His Fullness.  Without His Fullness we cannot be like Christ and thus attain to what it means to have The Fullness of Christ.  The Fullness of God is ours, but The Fullness of Christ is only ours as we have Faith in God as he did.
The Fruit of God's Spirit, is the likeness that we must be transformed into and thus be like Christ.
We are to develop the fullness of Christ through our obedience to God, and thus be like Christ.
1 John 2:24-25    2 Cor. 3:17-18    1 John 1:1-3    John 16:23-28    Rom. 8:11
Eph. 3:17-19    Eph. 4:5-6    Eph. 4:13    Col. 1:19-20    Heb. 6:1-3**

The Trinity does not get the blame for the abysmal conditions it has created, nor does the teaching of its Gospel which has declared Jesus is God and has given to Jesus, God's purposes and works, with believers expecting them to be manifested through Jesus.  This is dishonouring God Himself, making Him as if to be not The God who is Love, and Goodness, and Faithful to His Word.

The Spirit of Trinity  binds  God Himself from being all that He is desiring to be to us, through which Gods Works have been veiled by the church, deciding that Christ's work as Baptiser, is not necessary for one's Full Salvation. 
As a result God and His Fullness is blocked to the believer. 
The baptised believer on the other hand has been brought to God's Throne and The Father is to be KNOWN because Romans 8:10 & 11 and Colossians 1:27 & 28 are fulfilled.  Because of Romans 6:3-14 and
Colossians 2:9-13 taking place plus 1 Corinthians 12:13-18,
  the result of John 14:13-23, 

It is God's Spirit that we are in, and by the power of His Spirit, we are to attain to be like Christ, by whom we are to be measured at the judgement of the church, (those who are "In Christ").         2 Peter 1:3-4    Eph 6:10-18    1 Peter 1:3-12    1 Thess. 4:16

The Gospel of The Trinity in regard to this Truth is quite misleading.  Through ignorance, a most blatant deception is abroad and is creating false hopes for those who are UNBAPTIZED WITH HOLY SPIRIT.
It is not the return of Christ that is in question but the question of Who shall he be coming for, to take them to the place of judgement of the church? 

He will be coming for those In Christ: who have been Baptised with Holy Spirit and Baptised by The Father into the Body of Christ, which means to be In Christ.  They are The Church.  He comes for THEM  but NOT for those who have not gone on from the cross, those with Christ ‘in them’ but not being ‘In Christ’.
1 Thess. 4:16**   2 Cor. 5:10-21

Read Matthew 13:47-50.  This refers to those Baptised with Holy Spirit.  Christ shall judge the Church.  It is here that Sons of God will receive the inheritance of Eternal Life or not.        Matt. 7:21-23    Rev. 3:11-12    Rev. 19:9-14    Rev. 20:4
Those who have ignored The Baptism with Holy Spirit and those who have taught believers that it is not necessary for Eternal Life, shall be in The Second Resurrection after the 1,000 years, to be judged by Christ’s Angels and then God Himself.         Matt. 3:11-12    Rev. 20:5    Rev. 20:11-12

Baptised believers are to be judged as Sons of God, as to whether they shall inherit.
Was their faith in THE LORD GOD, were they doing His Will as Jesus did?  Were they over-comers, which is only possible by knowing Jesus to be The Son of God and knowing and trusting the God and Father of Christ, as GOD alone.  By this we shall know all that He has promised to those who trust in Him in their daily lives.

Rom. 8:17    Heb. 6:1-3    1 John 2:25    Rev. 2:26-29    Rev. 3:11-12
1 John 5:4-5    Matt. 7:21-23**   John 16:23-28

The Gospel of the Trinity has declared that to be unbaptised with Holy Spirit has NO eternal consequences.  Jesus would disagree with that Trinity fact.  Mark 16:16-18.  He shall not come for those who have only been in faith to the cross and have not gone on. 
But he will take those  'In Christ'.

Sadly this fact is Not Believed and when the event occurs it will be too late.  The unbaptised will be judged by God.   Rev. 20:11-12
They have only gone part of the way: so close but blinded to this truth.  
Rev. 3:17-18.

It is for those In Christ, that Christ shall come.  For those who have known The Spiritual Circumcision from Death to Life.
1 Thess. 4:16**   Mark 13:26-27   2 Cor. 5:17   Col. 2:9-13

It is vital to understand the difference between  "Christ in you" and being "In Christ".

It was a Mystery to the prophets of old, but it should not be now.  God is not for mysteries, as by His Revelation and works of Himself and His Son, we can know Christ in us is through believing at the cross : and to be 'In Christ'  is because Baptism with Holy Spirit has taken place.          1 Peter 1:10-12    Col. 1:25-28   Rom. 8:10-11

The lack of understanding of what it means to be 'In Christ', will be the major cause of being denied inheritance of Eternal Life in The Kingdom of God. 
One may be saved from The Lake of Fire, but there is The Fiery Furnace and Outer Darkness to be avoided.            Matt. 13:37-41   Matt. 13:47-50    Isaiah 61:8

The most Destructive Force of The Gospel of The Trinity is:- 
in the belief and propagation that Jesus is God,  and New Christians are taught this ERROR.

Gentiles wouldn't know any better.  They tend to believe their teachers, who have been taught by their teachers.  However, in regard to new Jewish converts to those of Israel who have believed in one God and that being The Father, they are taught the Trinity Gospel.
Why hadn't Israel been taught this before?
Simply because God of The Old Testament,  made it very clear, as did Jesus, that there is only ONE WHO IS GOD, and holds the Position of GOD. 
Christians teach the Gospel of the Trinity to converted Jews, proclaiming Jesus as God.
It is no new Revelation, nor a Mystery.  The one God of The Old Testament has not died.
The Son of God has not taken His Father's place under a New Covenant - any mysteries are understood as one trusts in The One True God.

This has blocked Moslems from knowing Salvation through the work of Jesus Christ, as they rightly believe that there is only One who is God, yet they are hindered from knowing Him through Christ, because of The Gospel of The Trinity as they do not believe its message that Jesus is God.
The Demons believe there is only One who is God
and they tremble, so should all who believe otherwise, because to believe otherwise will not bring the favour of God but His Justice.                James 2:19     1 Cor. 8:6    1 Cor. 11:3

The wall of diversity, presumption and conglomeration has blocked the view of all from seeing clearly that the ONE GOD, THE FATHER, is to be WORSHIPPED IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH : WORSHIPPED AS THE ONE TRUE GOD, WHO IS TO BE KNOWN.

The Godhead speaks of The Father who ALONE IS GOD.  He is a jealous God.
He is Love and Goodness but He is Jealous of His Own Glory and His Name is Jealous.
Col. 2:9     Eph. 4:6     Exodus 34:13     John 14:23     1 Cor. 2:9-16


The diversities of the Gospel have created many denominations giving the appearance of a God as One with many minds, many eyes and many mouths.

Whatever diversity of Christianity one attends, the common fault is that the adherents generally do not know what they believe, except for the basic facts which tickle and minister to what they think they want to know and believe.
What God wants them to know and believe - does it matter?

It would appear that what one wants, (they all want to go to heaven), they believe for.  They believe they are going to heaven, without Knowing What They Do, or Do Not Have, because of believing.  e.g. 'One wants to go to Heaven'.  The inquirer is told to accept Jesus as their Saviour.
Then they are told that because they have done this they are Born Again.
The believer continues to live on what he has been told and he believes what he as been told is quite scriptural, because the church says so.
As he continues on however, instead of the believer investigating and searching the Word of God and asking the help of teachers and seeking to know the Christ within, they are more often happy to just float along believing that because they actually are Born Again, they are all ready for the return of Jesus.  They believe they are saved.  But from What!

They have not understood, because they are not taught because their teachers generally do not know the difference between 'Christ in you' and to be 'In Christ'.  Col. 1:27 & 28.
They do not seek
to go beyond even the elementary, scriptural basic facts.   Heb. 6:1

Verses of Scripture
are taught and told what they mean, according to The Gospel of The Trinity.  These verses can be called 'fixed verses', as they state the Truth of one matter but control and block the flow on from one Truth to the opening up of another that is vital to know, in order to be built up in The Truth of God.    Heb. 6:1-3

The believers' faith and position of hope for full Salvation is based upon "FIXED VERSES", which appear to be fixed upon to display Christ, but hide God the Father.
These "fixed verses" are the Rock on which they stand with fierce determination and great sincerity.
e.g. Colossians 1:27.  "Christ our hope of glory" but not relating to the next verse Colossians 1:28, which is essential for one to know so as to act upon it for full Salvation.
Likewise, Ephesians 4:4-5
is 'gloried' in but verse 6 ignored, which is the most important truth in knowing that God the Father's Spirit is Over All, In All and Through All 'In Christ'.   (i.e. In The Body), which is the result of being Baptised with Holy Spirit.
1 Corinthians 2:9
is said with a 'dreaming' hope, not realizing that the answer is in the next verses.  The answer is that God will reveal to us Himself and His Truth : we can know some glorious realization here, right now, on condition that one is Baptised with Holy Spirit and that God the Father is trusted as God alone.   
He expects to teach believers – it is His Will.        John 16:13-15

Romans 8:10 clearly speaks of having Christ's Spirit and that the Spiritual position of the believer is that they are still in death - and therefore one needs to go on to the next verse, 11 for one to know how it is that they can be in Life and know the Father who is God : to know and expect the work of His Spirit in us making us alive.
He raised Jesus and had to exert His Power to do so.

Consider that, these fixed verses seek to block our appreciation of how great and powerful is our God.  What He did for Jesus, so must it be for us.
Eph. 1:17-20    Romans 1:3-4     Romans 6:2-14     Romans 8:11    Heb. 5:7-10**
John 14:9
  "To see Jesus is to see The Father"!!  It is necessary to avoid 'verse fixation' to receive and believe verse 10.
"The Father in me is doing and saying everything," Jesus said.
"You see Him in action when you see me".  John 10:34-38 also explains what Jesus meant in John 14:9.  'The Father in Jesus', also explains the realization of Thomas' words, "My Lord and my God."   John 20:28

All these 'fixation verses' are the strategy of The Gospel of The Trinity to 'veil' the One who is GOD, the One we MUST KNOW, to inherit Eternal Life.
Coming to Jesus and centralizing him, is to come only part of The Way.  As Jesus said, "No one comes TO THE FATHER, but by me".    John 14:6
Jesus said these words.

One of the saddest things we have witnessed, was to hear a Baptised with Holy Spirit Pastor of a very large church Fellowship, testifying with great excitement of his latest discovery, that Jesus was actually in him.
He was just finding out????   Yet this was still no realization that both The Father and The Son were in him.            John 14:23

The elementary, is to direct the new believer to Christ in him, as the Person whom he is to get to know, so as to take him to His God and Father, which is God's plan of Salvation.  As believers we must be like Christ with knowledge of God's Teaching of Righteousness -giving rise to walking in Holiness.  Head knowledge alone, cannot do this : but faith in God our Father.
the elementary truths are being scarcely taught because they are not known nor clearly understood, and there is not the appreciation of the precarious spiritual position they are in, living on dry, stale bread being served up again and again.
Hebrews 5:13-14    John 16:13-15     Hebrews 6:1-8

We must know what Spiritual Work occurs when one believes and asks Jesus for Baptism with Holy Spirit.  Realizing that it isn't only to speak in tongues, one must appreciate what work is accomplished and that one does speak in Tongues because this is the result of what work has occurred.  God the Father Himself testifies "Jesus is Lord" because He has taken the believer from death to Life, and Jesus' work as Baptiser has been accomplished.
1 Cor. 12:3    John 15:26    Rom. 10:9    (Matt. 3:11-12   Rev. 3:1   Col. 2:9-13  
Rom. 6:13-14)

There is a camp of believers which denies tongues, which is but another accomplished misconception to bring dishonour to both God and Christ, by teaching that tongues are of the devil.  By this lie, many, many refuse any teaching or exhortation to be Baptised with Holy Spirit.

In the Pentecostal camp they do not deny tongues - however they do not realize the potency of The Spiritual Language.  Whatever else is believed, this Strong Work is neglected to the Churches' peril, because they are denying the Spiritual Language of The Kingdom of God.

The believer will not be judged by Christ as to whether they spoke in tongues, but as a Baptised Believer they will be judged as to doing The Will of God His Father, which does require the use of The Potent power of The Spiritual Language in all areas of ministry.
1 Cor. 14:8    Jude 1:20-22    Eph. 6:18    1 Peter 1:3-9*   Hebrews 10:19-31**

The creator of the Gospel of the Trinity, the Spirit of Belial, has built in his own characteristics  i.e. a Spirit of 'No Discussion'.  As a result he blocks understanding in the minds of Christians who are confident in what they think they have, but do not.

The Promises of God that apply beyond Baptism with Holy Spirit and the position into which one is placed, cannot be the confidence of The Unbaptised with Holy Spirit.
This is why it is necessary to be Baptised with Holy Spirit.

The 'Spirit of No Discussion' that does not want to hear or discuss any teaching or revelation beyond what they know, goes right against what God has purposed.  He is a God of revelation, desiring to reveal Himself and His Son and taking the believer as they seek, into the Treasures of His Written Word and because of this are able to test it with God's Wisdom.  To have truth deepened, because they know and trust GOD THE FATHER AS GOD.
1 Samuel 25:17 & 25  KJV   John 16:13-15   1 John 4:1-6   Isaiah 45:3   1 Cor. 2:10


Fear to question what one is taught that is not fulfilling one's expectations of God's promises.
The church has lost the understanding that it is to grow in revelation : to grow in fellowship, knowledge and trust in God.  The church being warned of deception, scoffers and false teachers - whom they think are yet to come - is fearful of anything that decentralizes Christ : anything that suggests, He is not God.

The Deceivers have come and the church is already in deception, due to the Trinity which created its own Gospel, perverting God's Truths and replacing Truth.  Giving familiar verses to comfort and give confidence, which creates a false assurance.
False teachers who were Bishops came many generations ago giving to the church, the belief of The Trinity and its Gospel with all its assumptions and inferences.  These are fiercely and fearfully believed as being Truth and this is their bondage because God Himself cannot teach Truth in the midst of 'conglomeration'. 
Truth that is taught by The Spirit of God is The Only Way to unlock Fear and free bondages, and opens up a dimension not before realized by the believer.  It is only then one knows the pleasure and fellowship of both The Father, as God and His Son as our Head, brother and co-heir of God.
John 16:13-15   1 Cor. 2:10    Eph. 1:17    John 16:23-28    1 John 1:3   
2 Peter chapters 2 & 3


Let us not centre Jesus keeping him and ourselves at the cross.
We are, however, to centre the facts of truth regarding that work, but we are not to centre the person by whom the work was done.  Jesus Christ.    John 1:29-34

We can remember that person (we are to at communion), while all the time we are to continue on and outwards and upwards as well as looking back to remember but not trusting in what we see at the centre, Beyond What Was Accomplished, so that one is to progressively go on and outwards and upwards, from the Centre : inward into the fullness of what is prepared for those who trust in Jesus Christ's Work given him by God to do.  We go into The Fullness at Baptism with Holy Spirit.  This is to be asked for, it is not a work which evolves from the cross, but it is the cross which qualifies one to be Baptised with Holy Spirit and thus enter The Fullness of God.
To receive what God has planned for those who desire to please Him.
Gal.  3:22    Gal. 3:14    John 14:13-15   &  14:15-23

We are to Centre the Person of the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, the Father of Glory.
To His Throne we come.
As Jesus fulfils his work, given by God to do, as The Lamb of God and Baptiser with Holy Spirit, he brings believers through his works to His God and Father.

These believers are to know the reality of The Father as a person, not just knowledge about Him.
These believers are to ask of Him all things, hungry for truth; His Truth, knowing that He as the Spirit of Truth teaches those who ask of Him.
Believers are to know the fellowship of God the Father whose Truth and Faithfulness strengthens and empowers us to walk in His Holiness.  Enlarging to us His Word and feeding us His Truth from His mouth, giving understanding of His plans and purposes by which He is revealed, glorified and praised by us - as we see only His will and purposes, not ours, but His, just as Jesus did.  Growing in oneness with the Will of God.  Rom. 12:1-2   Matt. 4:4

All the while we know more about His Son, for we are to be like him : overcoming and condemning sin as he did.  (Seeing sin as a useless commodity - unfit for use.)
Greatly aware of the glorious position and work that he is still occupied with, all to the glory of His God and Father.

AS SONS OF GOD AND CO-HEIRS WITH CHRIST, we honour and praise our brother, but we give all thanks to GOD THE FATHER FOR ALL THINGS, doing His Will.  For by this we shall be judged by Christ as Sons of God.
Matt. 7:21-23    Rev. 3:11-12    Rom. 8:17    Heb. 2:11-12    Eph. 4:13



This is not meant to be an argument with strong confrontation as its Spirit; but a burden of concern.  It is not judgement without the hope and knowledge that realization is possible, for those who repent.
While there is time to repent, give serious consideration, be implacably honest, look and see and ask yourself why the church is not doing as Jesus said that it would.  John 14:10-12

Why are there so many diversities?  God's will is that there be One Body of believers called The Church.
It was to be a strong and powerful force in the world, as they were to deal with God's enemies in The Heavens. 
A Church that was to have discernment between what is intrinsically evil and what is righteousness in the sight of the One True God who demands Righteousness of all who would know Him.

Have faith in God alone, believing in The Lord Jesus Christ.
Have faith in God alone and know Him, as The Only One True God, as did the prophets and as did His Son.
Because while His Son is central, God is veiled, and while He is veiled the Church cannot flourish.  It cannot because its Faith is in The Gospel of The Trinity, which amplifies error and not Truth.  Which creates believers who are satisfied with knowledge they do not understand fully and Faith that is in their Knowledge rather than in the Knowing of God the Father Himself personally.
For to know Him and to Fellowship with Him as God, they will be fed by Him from His written word and constantly encouraged from His Mouth.
It is God's will for all mankind to know His Truth alone which builds up, encourages and leads and corrects.  Truth which renews minds that will do, say and move in oneness with God Himself and with His Son; all to God the Father's Glory.
WHICH IS NOT THE WAY OF THE TRINITY GOSPEL, because its purpose has been that, in all generations, believers should be inefficient and weak in the realm of The Spirit, unable to fulfil God's purposes to destroy the strongholds of The Enemy. 
The triumph of The Trinity  -  LET IT BE DEFLATED.

When God created mankind, His purpose was that they enter Heaven.  Until Jesus came no one had entered Heaven, then through Baptism with Holy Spirit believers were spiritually seated in The Heavenlies.   John 3:11-13   Eph. 2:6   Col. 3:1-3

The work of Christ is to present to God a Church without spot or blemish.  This requires Baptised Believers to know cleansing of any defilements through the blood of Jesus, to walk in total obedience to God's Will, which is only possible while knowing the One True God, in fellowship with Him and His Son.

The Trinity has blocked God's purposes by the Diversities of Truth, resulting in The Pollution, not only of The Body of Christ but The Heavens itself.

Repent while there is time so that God and Christ's work be fully accomplished, and The Purposes of The Gospel of The Trinity be NULLIFIED; TO THE GLORY OF GOD.
That The Church be The Manifold Wisdom of God to Rulers and Principalities.

Eph. 6:22-27    1 John 1:7-10    1 John 1:1-3    Eph. 6:10-18    Matt. 7:21-23

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